Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Seasonal Offering: Blue Krishna Balinese

Our current Special Offering, available in all Kimberton Whole Food stores, is Blue Krishna Balinese. This unique coffee was born in the aftermath of the 1963 eruption of Mount Agung, still an active volcano to this day. That event devastated the coffee fields on the South Pacific island of Bali. To spur recovery, the government distributed new seedlings to the farmers, and, enhanced by modern agricultural techniques, a distinct new coffee flavor arose - rich, earthy and pungent like the other Sumatran varietals on the surrounding islands, but with unique notes of vanilla, milk chocolate, cedar, and anise.

"Many coffee farmers on Bali are members of a traditional farming system called Subak Abian, which is based on the Hindu philosophy of "Tri Hita Karana". According to this philosophy, the three causes of happiness are good relations with God, other people and the environment. This philosophy, specifically 'happiness with the environment' favors the production of organic coffee, or at least the use of organic fertilizers and the lack of use of agrochemicals." - Wikipedia

Although the Subak provides many services to provide care for it's community, in particular, as a farm cooperative, it spreads responsibility evenly among farmers for the maintenance of water irrigation and cropping patterns.

The Subak irrigation systems were developed in the 9th Century, and are honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Like all our Seasonal Offerings, this one is available until the harvest has been distributed, then it's gone. My importer started with about 800 bags, and now they have 92. It's almost over... but it's been so popular I can't doubt that I'll be looking for it next year, about the same time. Meanwhile, get it while you can - you won't regret it.

The stunning photograph of Mount Agung is by Michael W. Ishak (www.myreefsdiary.com) - CC BY-SA 4.0

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